Below are the most common questions we receive from customers. However if you cannot find the answer you are looking for please get in touch via the contact page.


How much are the lessons?

Lessons start from £12 per month.

Do I pay as I go?

Fees are paid monthly.

What if I miss a class?

There are no financial allowances for personal holidays or missed lessons. On some occasions, you are given the opportunity to attend another lesson to make up for what you have missed. If a child is injured we recommend attending, not only to watch but remedial exercises can be given.

Do I have to wear a uniform?

Yes, we have a uniform. It is important all dancers wear appropriate clothing and shoes. We have put together a page showing ideal uniform here.

What can I expect at my first class?

A trial class will always be offered to any new pupil. The teacher will ensure that your child knows at least one other child’s name and they will often suggest that an existing pupil looks after a new student during their trial. We don’t allow parents to stay in the main hall whilst the class is on, but they are encouraged to stay in the building. For the trial class it is not necessary that your child wears the dance school uniform, but you must ensure that what they wear is safe to dance in. Once the class is over your child will meet you in the changing room, and if for any reason a parent is not there, the teacher will bring the child back into the main hall to wait with them until a parent arrives.We have put together a helpful guide that includes a new starter pack here.

What board do you teach, are you a member of an organisation?

The principal is a registered associate with the ISTD. Teaching staff will all be registered. All our teaching follows techniques learnt from several organisations including the ISTD the RAD and IDTA.

Can I stay and watch the lesson?

We do not allow parents to watch unless invited. Parents will be invited to watch the last lesson of each term. There is no requirement for you to stay whilst your child is in their lesson(s) however we do have a waiting area if you do wish to stay. We do recommend that you stay for your child’s first lesson.

Health & Safety, safeguarding & protocols?

We have all necessary and important structures in place including: DBS, Emergency First Aid. You can read our Health and Safety Policy here and our Child Protection policy here.

Do you do examinations?

We hold ISTD and RAD examination with external examiners. On average, we have two or three sessions per year. Your child will be put forward for an exam when they are ready for it, regardless of age.

My child just wants to do it for fun, can they?

We do have fun but our school is disciplined as we want children to learn. Our rules are in place in class to assure safe practice and to avoid injury. We promote hard working individuals and those that want to achieve but it does not mean they have to be dancers. We do things properly and that comes with a certain amount of high expectation, which does not suit everybody.